
Mantis Webinar | Labor Benchmarking - The Key to Double Digit Savings

Date: Thursday December 3, 2020

You are invited to join us for a special live presentation of Labor Planning and Benchmarking by Lee Rector, Executive Vice President of Mantis Group and a recognized leader in global markets.

Mr. Rector is a founder of Insight Group Technologies, the creator of DC Expert the market leading optimization and planning solution on the market, where he has provided successful guidance and leadership to hundreds of organizations on 5 Continents.

In this webinar, Lee Rector will discuss the critical areas of focus in the distribution center for cost savings and the impact of Labor benchmarking on floor level management and the bottom line.

Mantis Partner Webinar

Date: September 9, 2020 | Time: 03:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Mantis Americas’ invites you to attend our partner only webinar where we outline the benefits of matching your unique consulting skills and network to our products and clients in North America.

Hear from Sr. Mantis company officials on the technology and from existing partners and how they have increased their revenue through Mantis.

How can you leverage your current client network into new avenues of revenue through solutions and integration plans with a Market leading Mantis product line? We will explore this.

MFG Webinar | Warehouse Optimization and Advanced Stock Placement Demonstration

Date: June 19, 2020 | Please send an email to info@mantis.email and we will provide you access to the recorded webinar.

MFG invites you to join a special live presentation of Warehouse Optimization and Advanced Stock Placement (aka Product Slot Optimization) by Lee Rector, Executive Vice President of Mantis Group and a recognized leader in global markets.

In this webinar, Lee Rector will discuss the critical areas of focus in the distribution center for cost savings and the impact of product slotting has to the bottom line.

Slotting in the e-Commerce Era (pdf file)
Key Concepts in Double Digit Savings in Warehouse Operations (pdf file)

WERC Webinar | Challenged by Labor, Space or e-Commerce?
You might want to consider, Driving ROI through ROO - Return on Optimization

Date: June 18, 2020 | Please send an email to info@mantis.email and we will provide you access to the recorded webinar.

Few businesses can afford a total renovation of their warehouse operations. So instead of tearing down and rebuilding your warehouses, looking for modest opportunities to optimize your existing operations can help you increase your profits, deliver products more efficiently, enhance customer satisfaction and expand your market share. In other words, let ROO - Return on Optimization - drive your ROI and enhance your bottom line.

To learn specific ways you can apply this at your company, please join us for a free, live webinar featuring industry experts: Lee Rector, Executive Vice President of Mantis North America and Sandy Vosk, Founder and CEO, Advantage Technology Solutions.

Mantis Webinar Lunch & Learn | Mantis WMS - The 3PL Choice

Date: May 7, 2020 | Please send an email to info@mantis.email and we will provide you access to the recorded webinar.

Join us for this Lunch and Learn webinar and you will see specifically how the Mantis Logistics Vision Suite (LVS) application provides our 3PL customers the tools they rely on every day to be adaptive, flexible, efficient and profitable in this supply chain segment where you know so well - the only constant is change.

IWLA Webinar | Optimization: Same Space, Better Results

Date: April 30, 2020 | Please send an email to info@mantis.email and we will provide you access to the recorded webinar.

Few businesses can afford a total renovation of their warehouse operations. But it may seem that is what needs to be done in light of changing customer requests (like increasing B2C fulfillment) and evolving expectations. Take a step back and optimize what you have instead of tearing down and rebuilding. There are modest opportunities and incremental steps to better service, higher efficiency, and wider margins. Many of these solutions hinge on maximizing your technology. Let it help increase your profits, deliver products more efficiently, enhance customer satisfaction, and expand your market share. In other words, let ROO (Return on Optimization) drive your ROI and enhance your bottom line.

Mantis Webinar Lunch & Learn | Visual Manager: Control Tower Views for the Operation

Date: April 16, 2020 | Please send an email to info@mantis.email and we will provide you access to the recorded webinar.

The ability to have a "top down view" with clear, concise and accurate inventory and operations information provides your business the opportunity to run at the most optimal level. This Mantis - Lunch and Learn webinar will highlight capabilities that are unique in the industry and used as a competitive advantage by Mantis customers as we explore our Visual Warehouse Manager (VWM) Module inside or our Logistics Vision WMS solution. What exactly is this? Mantis VWM is a state-of-the-art visual warehouse management tool that greatly facilitates the management of daily warehouse operations by allowing the visual monitoring of all stock status and movements through the various warehouse areas and storage systems in real time - as well as the visual setup of the characteristics of storage locations and the visual initiation of stock related tasks.

Sax Webinar | Driving ROI through ROO - Return on Optimization

Date: Mar 23, 2020

To be successful in this rapidly changing business environment, your company will need to consider new and better ways to meet customer requirements and allocate the right people and resources – quickly, efficiently and profitably.