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Real-Time Field management Solution
Helpdesk Feature Summary
- Record Service Calls from customers from any source (e.g. telephone, email) in an instant.
- Assign the Service Calls to the correct technicians and then monitor their state.
- Dynamic Service Call filtering and two-way communication between the helpdesk operator and the technician.
- Advanced reporting on custom filters both on the operator and the technician performance.
Other Feature Summary
- Action Management: View the actions of your technicians as they are made, either using a list or a map view. In this way you can react immediately to these actions.
- Stock Management: Access the actual real-time stock of each technician.
- Customer Management: Access your full customer base provided by your ERP with the ability to view the full history of each customer along with extra information such as sales preferences and statistics.
- Catalogue Management: Manage your product catalogue by adding images, brochures and videos to your products. The changes are immediately available in the app.
- Schedule Management (Routing): Create and manage your salesperson routes by assigning customers to schedules, sorted by the order in which the salesperson should visit those customers.
Advanced Feature Summary
- Real-Time Dashboard: The dashboard provides instant access to the most important information regarding your sales team. It includes features such as their location, the number of customers they have visited and their sales.
- CRM: View all the CRM posts made by your sales team in real-time, so that you can react to their requests.
- Advanced Reporting: Our reporting tool comes out of the box with more than 50 reports that provide the extra business intelligence to increase your sales and move your company forward.